Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The countdown begins

I am moving to Korea in just over a month (36 days) and I haven't learned Korean or done a lot of my "before Korea to-do list" yet. There have been numerous weddings, funerals, and weekend trips to keep my mind off the fact I'm leaving the country for a year. (The photo is from Mark's wedding last weekend.) Maybe I should start getting ready for this trip. ha. My going away party part 12 or so is this weekend. My mom and I just went out and got tons of lanterns and fans and random Asian-themed decorations. So if you're in the NJ region this weekend come on by. Kegs will be tapped at 4 :)

In other more exciting news I found out yesterday I PASSED THE LEVEL I CFA EXAM!!!!!!! For those of you who saw me during the three or so months before the exam, you will know what a relief it is to have this under my belt, and passed!!!!

Random side note: I got a Kindle for my birthday. If you don't have one, go get one now! It is the coolest invention, and for anyone that loves to read, it is definitely a must have. Here are Kati and I on her rooftoop deck on my birthday.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

songs of love needs your help

My friend Koz works for this great non-profit, Songs of Love, and they need your help! Please read the article below and show your support. Ciao!

The Songs of Love Foundation is a non-profit organization that creates free personalized songs for ailing children. Professional songwriters from all over the country (and the world) write, perform and produce more than 250 original songs every month. Our songwriters perform songs in any style ranging from hip-hop to heavy metal, pop to classical, with lyrics based on the interests of each child and the loving people in that child’s life. Children of all ages (up to and including 21) who are currently battling a serious illness are eligible to receive a song, free of charge.

Every child is unique and so is every "song of love" composition. In 13 years, the Songs of Love Foundation has written songs for more than 19,000 children in hospitals throughout the country and the world. The songs alleviate pain and trauma during painful and scary hospital treatments. Song recipients play their "songs of love" in all kinds of situations and settings such as car trips to the hospital, show and tell at school, for family and friends, and even for the doctors and nurses.

There are many ways to help this unique and innovative children’s charity. Through its vehicle donation program, CARS (Children Are Receiving Cars), folks across the country can donate their car, boat, or other vehicle in order to help further the organization’s mission of music. Donated vehicles are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.

For more information on donating your car, boat or other automobile, you can visit or call toll-free, 1-888-909-SONG (7664).

Each child’s “song of love” costs the charity approximately $250 to create, though the Songs of Love Foundation also accepts cash donations in any amount. The $250 covers the cost to produce the song, as well as all administrative and office tasks involved in delivering each song to the child it was written for.

To make a cash donation, you can visit or call toll-free, 1-800-960-SONG (7664).

To request a song, you can visit or call 1-800-960-SONG (7664) to request a profile sheet in the mail.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

locked down??

I received contract #3 today for a small school in Mapo-gu, Seoul. Hopefully this guy will pan out.
It's short working hours;9:40-5ish.
A small team of 6; 2 ex-pats, 4 Koreans.
Very small classes; < 10 kids.
And a standard salary; I tried to negotiate more but that was a no-go. I guess with no experience/credentials I don't have too much leverage.

If this one works out and doesn't bail on me, I will start September 5th. Maria- I will be back by September 18th I promise!!!

Oh and the Thailand job turned out to be not as enticing as I had originally hoped. They wouldn't pay airfare, there were only 4 teachers there who were all considerably older than myself, and the classes are 4-6 year olds who have never been away from home. I decided to pass even though I would have looked pretty sweet cruising Thailand by motorcycle :(

An introduction:
You'll probably hear more about Suzi in upcoming posts, so here's a little background. I've known Suzi since first grade when we used to fight over who was better friends with Caitlin (who neither of us keep up with now). We've since become close and stay in touch regularly. After doing the Peace Corp last year she's decided to move to Korea with her pup to be an English teacher!! She'll only be a few hours down the road and will definitely provide me some sanity when I'm in culture shock overload.

Here Suzi and I are at Obama's inauguration.

Today it's official; I am no longer in my early 20s. Off to the city now to celebrate reaching the quarter century mark. Have a great Bastille Day!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Really? Again?

So I got the job I mentioned in the last post on Friday. Then Monday they reconsidered and went with another candidate. They must have had a better passport photo.

I had another interview with a small school in Seoul last night that apparently went well. They like me and are 90% (which means absolutely nothing at this point!) sure they're going to hire me but still have a few other candidates to interview. I should find out Sunday (Monday Korea time). This school only has 2 foreign teachers and 4 Korean teachers, but the guy I interviewed with seemed really positive about his experience over the past 10 months there.

I also have an interview with a school in Thailand tonight. This one pays considerably less, isn't on a beach, but is super close to Loas and Cambodia. Udon Thani if you care to look it up. And hey, it's Thailand!

Ahhh, one of these days one of these jobs will pan out. I'm just hanging out relaxing in the mean time. Everything happens for a reason, right?

Off for a run, baking, library trip and happy hour. Why did I ever have a full time job???

PES people, what's going on over there?? Any news?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Sorry for the lack of recent,or any, updates. In the past couple of days there have been quite a few snags, bumps, and hopefully positive occurrences. Firstly, my recruiter over at English Cruiser no longer works there i.e. was fired, and since contacting her boss I have found out that my job in Gangnum no longer exists (financial issues which led to cutting classes). Awesome.

I had received a job offer to work in Thailand a week ago via facebook and blew it off thinking that I already had a job. So immediately after finding out that was not the case I replied saying I was very interested. Only later do I find out the best part; I would get my own motorcycle!!! Done.


I'm giving my recruiter one more chance basically because he holds all of the documentation I need to get a foreign working visa and because he begged ("Would you give me one more opportunity? Please give me just one more chance. I will beg you to reconsider the situation.") for another shot. So I have an interview Friday for a job in another popular district of Seoul.

So keep your fingers crossed for me.

Aside from the future potential job nonsense, this whole being unemployed living at home thing is great. Heading to the pool in the am.

Have a safe and happy 4th!