Monday, March 28, 2011


Well greetings. Tis a gloomy Monday but there are promises of temperatures hitting upwards of 50 this week. Beats last week's snow!

Turns out the job Paul was offered isn't exactly the dream we were hoping for. After running the school and location by a few friends in HK, we have found out that neither are the most desirable. It's still an option, but Paul's definitely looking for more options. And I too will start job searching again. I have kind of stopped out of defeat, but his offer has given me some hope. Very little, but some....

It looks like we're going to spend about a month and a half in India. We want to take a long time, since we can, and really see as much as we can. It's also much cheaper than living in HK, so why not postpone that as long as possible!? At the moment I'm freaking out about what to do with all of my crap. I think I basically have to throw away about 50% of my belongings, mail the winter crap home, and box everything I need for HK and leave it here with Dave to mail when we actually get there. Thank god for Dave!

Alright school time. Peace out.

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